Packing material continues to be reused instead of being wasted


More than 20 years ago, the managing director of Dr. Walser Dental, Gerhard R. Daiger, took it upon himself, in the context of environmental protection, not to have any packing material manufactured for the company.

For more than 20 years, Dr. Walser Dental has been collecting packing materials, such as polystyrene flakes or air cushions, which have already been used by other companies for deliveries. These fillers have been produced with a high expenditure of material and energy and are mostly disposed of after one-time use, although they could be reused without further effort. Dr. Walser Dental uses this material for its worldwide deliveries and also gives away material when needed.

In order to contribute to environmental protection, Dr. Walser Dental has sought and found various sources that actively support it in this effort; after all, the manufacturer of dental instruments needs a lot of filling materials for its worldwide deliveries to over 120 countries.

Thus, mainly the college of the Wilhelm Bläsig School at the Hegau Youth Center in Gailingen am Hochrhein, a neurological hospital and rehabilitation center for children, adolescents and young adults, participates in the collection campaign. In recent years, the school's staff has been the main contributor to Dr. Walser Dental's efforts to protect the environment and conserve resources. The filling materials are not specially driven from Gailingen to Radolfzell, but the staff organizes itself in such a way that a colleague, who in any case drives daily by car to the Hegau Youth Center in Gailingen and back, takes the collections of filling materials at regular intervals and hands them over to the managing director of Dr. Walser Dental.

Since 1972, the Hegau-Jugendwerk has been fulfilling a special social mission as a model facility with its own hospital school in the care of children, adolescents and young adults with neurological damage. Beginning with acute treatment and early rehabilitation, the Jugendwerk treats patients through all phases of neurological rehabilitation. The goal is to support the patients and rehabilitants so that they can achieve the ability to act in everyday life, participate in society, improve their quality of life and develop new perspectives on life. More info at:

The management of Dr. Walser Dental would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere thanks to Hegau-Jugendwerk and all supporters for their regular help and donations of packing materials.