Pope bench sponsored for Radolfzell


Gerhard Daiger, owner of the Dr. Walser Dental GmbH in Radolfzell, manufacturer of the worldwide known Walser dental matrices, donated a pope bench with genuineness certificate for Radolfzell which was submitted officially to the mayor Dr. Jörg Schmidt in the seaside resort.

Last year the pope bench was in use at the Eucharist Celebration during the visit of Pope Benedikt XVI in Freiburg/GERMANY and was purchased at the archbishopric by the Dr. Walser Dental. A part of it was donated thereby directly to the Benedikt-East Africa Fund to the alleviation of the need of the people in the hunger areas.

Only after its use at the Eucharist Celebration it got the badge "official pope bench". The bench has a length of 5 metres and weighs 130 kg.

The pope bench consists predominantly of solid pine wood, the character tree of the Black Forest. It was not treated chemically. Thanks to a lasting forestry the necessary amount of wood grows again there within only three seconds without the woods taking charge of damage. The proofs for the durability of the white pine wood are the partially many hundred years old splendid farms in the Black Forest and the roof truss of the Freiburg Minster.

By use during the Pope visit the bench has a special patina which makes her unique. The bench can be used as a place for consciousness and inner refreshment also after her use at the Holy Mass with Pope Benedikt XVI.

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