" Angel for Africa " landed safely again
The "Angel of Africa " has landed safely and has given donations to the poorest of the poor.
At her public lecture, Anne Wieser embraced Gerhard Daiger, who was glad and relieved that Anne Wieser landed safely again after her return from her journey to Burkina Faso.
She travelled to Burkina Faso, as she does every year, to distribute her donations and proceeds, which she achieved through sales at her stand in Stahringen. In a public lecture in Radolfzell with a large number of visitors, she recently reported on her relief mission, her experiences and the plight of the poorest of the poor in Africa. This time it was much more dangerous than the years before, reported Anne Wieser.
Shortly after her arrival in the capital Ouagadougou, she and her supporters Lisa Müller and her partner Andreas Heuken were warned by locals against the constant terrorist threat of Islamist groups. So they could only move within a radius of 50 kilometres. Nevertheless, they were able to support the planned orphanages and thanks to the donation from Dr. Walser Dental could buy and hand over the missing and urgently needed toys for the children.
This year Anne Wieser was also in the eye clinic, where she was able to pay some patients treatments and examinations.
Since April 12, Anni Wieser has opened her big Easter market at her stand in Stahringen directly on the main street. As always, 100% of the revenues go to the Africa Relief Mission.
See also: Donation "Angel for Africa"
Picture: Sandra Zeller
If you would like to support Anni Wieser, you can call her at +49 7738 53 70 or visit her directly:
Anni Wieser
Hauptstr. 48a
78315 Stahringen
Tel. +49 7738 5370
Every donation helps:
Africa Help Anni Wieser
Account: DE90 6925 0035 1055 0244 32
She thanks everyone for her valuable help and wishes them God's blessing.
Incidentally, Anni Wieser also sells organic apples, apple rings and apple juice (also available in Stahringen in Hauptstrasse 48a)!
Anna with her stand at the Naturschutztage Bodensee 2019 Radolfzell. With her presence for over 20 years, she is now part of the inventory and is better known locally as "the apple woman".
Photo and Text to photo: Sandra Zeller