Courses with Walser tooth matrices


Together with VOCO and Tehnical Dent, dental courses are organised in which Walser dental matrices are used.

Tehnical Dent Bucharest organises dental courses for composite restorations with VOCO, which are supported by Dr Walser Dental.

The experienced dentist and lecturer, Dr Alexandra Dumitrescu, leads the restoration courses. She is already an enthusiastic user of the Walser dental matrices. She impressively demonstrates the many advantages of the Walser matrix system with her presentations and convincing results. The course participants work with Walser dental matrices during the dental training to experience the many advantages of the outstanding matrix system on models.

Walser dental matrices are particularly suitable for self-adhesive filling materials and composite/resin fillings, as they form an ideal mould and seal the cavity bottom, for example.

Further advantages can be found here
Read enthusiastic voices from the practice here
Watch the user film in practice here

The courses will take place on the following dates and locations in Romania:
On 8 February in Galați (Galatz).
On 11 April in Timișoara.
In May in Sibiu, Deva or Hunedoara. The exact location has not yet been finalised.

For questions and exact times of the courses, please contact:
Laurian Constantinescu
Sales Team Manager
Tehnical Dent
(+40) 21 312 56 60 | (+40) 729 994 382 | (+40) 21 312 56 60

Composite restorations by the lecturer Dr Alexandra Dumitrescu

Zahn Matrizen von Walser besonders für Kompositfüllungen geeignet
Zahn-Matrizen von Walser im Einsatz mit Vorher-Nachher-Bildern

Text: Dr Walser Dental

Photos and work by: Dr Alexandra Dumitrescu

Dental matrices by @walsermatrices

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