Donation for purchasing new chairs for hospital chapel


Dr. Walser Dental sponsors high quality beech-wooden chairs with armrests for the hospital chapel in Singen/Hohentwiel.

The hospital chapel is a centerpiece of the clinic center in Singen. It is an indispensable place for patients, relatives, visitors and employees. It is a place of silence, of prayer and of reinforcement, a place where people find consolation and virtue in difficult life situations.

This place counts a lot of years and does no longer meet today’s requirements of pastoral care. It is no longer able to deal with the demands of its users. Therefore the chapel will not only be renovated, but rearranged and refurnished. The planning is completed; now the catholic and evangelic pastoral care of the Hegau-Bodensee-Hospital Singen are in act of collecting the necessary means for the redesign.

Due to the commitment of the hospital’s operating company Hegau-Bodensee-Hospital as the building promotor as well as the archdiocese Freiburg and the Baden national church and through donations, already 175.000 € have been collected (state Oct. 2017).

But further donations are necessary, since the project scope covers 290.000 €. This not only includes the basic renovation work but also the renovation of the precious windows by the artist August Babberger and the medieval Madonna, a lighting concept and the installation of a ventilation system, the fire prevention and the new furnishing.

Source: catholic and evangelic pastoral care of the Hegau-Bodensee-Hospital Singen

Please support the maintenance of the hospital chapel through a donation on the following account, too: 

Krankenhausförderverein Singen e.V.
IBAN: DE 59 6925 0035 0003 0530 06
Sparkasse Hegau-Bodensee
Reference "Sanierung Klinikkapelle"

Thanks to your contribution the catholic and evangelic pastoral care hopes to preserve the heart of the clinical center in its importance.

Cordial thanks

Yours sincerely
Dr. Walser Dental