Nominated as a "hidden champion"


Dr. Walser Dental was nominated for the GlobalConnect Award 2018 as "Hidden Champion." The award is considered the "Award of the Economy for the Economy."

As part of GlobalConnect, Germany's largest platform for export and internationalization, the GlobalConnect Award will be presented for the sixth time in 2018. The Managing Director of Dr. Walser Dental, Senator Gerhard R. Daiger, was invited to the award ceremony.

The "hidden champion" category includes those companies that have successfully positioned themselves in foreign markets through a particular individual position or niche occupation.

The nationwide and cross-industry award recognizes outstanding entrepreneurial achievements in foreign business. For example, Herrenknecht AG, which supplies state-of-the-art tunnel boring machines worldwide, was also nominated as a global player. After a rigorous selection process, a top-class jury of experts determines the winners. The independent jury of experts consists of well-known personalities from German foreign trade.

Decisive for the decision are criteria such as niche occupation, networking or a special contribution to the environment and society.

The prestigious prize will be awarded by Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, the Minister of Economics, Labor and Housing of the State of Baden-Württemberg in the context of an evening reception. More than 600 guests from politics and business are expected.

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