Walser ® trademark registered in Vietnam
The extension of protection of the international trademark Walser ® has now been approved and registered for the country Vietnam.
Dr. Walser Dental has received a written confirmation from its patent attorneys that the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva has agreed to the registration of the trademark "Walser®".
Dr. Walser Dental is very happy about the approval of the trademark. Already in November 2018, the registration for Vietnam was applied for and now approved. Thus, the trademark Walser® is now also protected in Vietnam.
For shipments to Vietnam, Dr. Walser Dental will now also provide the "Walser" lettering on the top right with the ® on all shipping packages and documents.
WIPO is the World Intellectual Property Organization and was founded in 1967 in Switzerland by the Stockholm Convention on the Establishment and Protection of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Switzerland. Its aim is to support the rights of intangible goods worldwide. In 1974, WIPO became a branch of the United Nations.