Elastic bands instead of a screw and a clamp
Die Zahnarzt Woche (DZW), Germany, issue of November, 2011
Dentist Dr Vera Maiwald about her experiences with a new matrix system:
A year ago I switched from the usual band matrices to the sectional matrix system of Dr. Walser Dental, Radolfzell. I have chosen for these matrices because their manufacturer produce more delicate instruments and matrices, which can be used with a smaller mouth opening.
In addition, the patient can bite when the matrix is placed. These matrices are autoclavable in contrast to them of other providers and can be used so many times. The matrices are produced in 27 different sizes with band 5 to 8 mm high. The manufacturer offers three different assortments (of 10, 18 and 25 different matrices) with a special forceps and sterilizing tray. Each matrix can be ordered in packs of five as a refill.
The application of this system is quite simple, the matrices are applied with a single-handed motion without screwing or a clamp. The corresponding matrix forceps is to set and to spread into the recesses of the matrix. Both bands of the matrix spread in parallels to the desired expanse and the matrix can be placed.
Since this is a resilient system the matrix fits to the conical shape of the tooth after releasing the forceps automatically. Even at low interproximal cavities there are no problems, because the manufacturer has developed two new matrices specifically. One of the two bands of each matrix is 3 mm deeper than the other.
Using these matrices the lengthening of the matrix for interproximal areas becomes no longer necessary. I have not observed papillary bleeding in any case here. Approximal fillings get broken sometimes on the occasion of the removal of other matrix systems interdentally. Using these matrices I have not noticed incidents of that kind any more.
The matrix bands are extremely thin and usable for light guidance. So I can use the same matrix system in the posterior region for each tooth and each filling material. A positive side effect is the fixation of the cotton rolls by the matrices. While working in the mandible this is quite pleasant because the patient can not move the sublingual cotton roll into a desired direction by swallowing or tongue movements.
Dr Vera Maiwald, Berlin