Request the Walser® tooth matrices User Movie now free of charge for clinics and dental schools here

The User Movie and the Video Clips are perfectly suitable in order to visualise the time- and cost-saving of Walser® matrices.

The free User Movie in 5 languages (approx. 4 minutes), done in a Swiss dental clinic, shows on two patients how fast and easily Walser® matrices can be applied with just one hand movement.


Now request the user film Walser tooth matrices


Just request the 5 language User movie free of charge.

Request additionally the 4 Video Clips free of charge here.

The dental matrices of Dr. Walser Dental were awarded with Best of 2024  

Order our bestseller, the complete set, here. Walser® matrices were honoured numerous times.

Work with Walser® matrices, like many dentists and professors worldwide, and achieve perfect contact points and results

Prof Dr Sami Sandhaus, Lausanne/Switzerland
"We use Walser Matrices here in the clinic for many years. The sit of the matrix is anatomically accurate and tight and so I recommend them in seminars and training events every time. Dentists not knowing them before are simply delighted: In the ergonomics it is unbeatable. Right after the die was placed over the tooth, you have a good fit of the die with wedging only for the optimal contact point."

Prof Dr Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Borba - University of Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo/Brazil
"Dear colleagues, in 1974, I was presented with the "Walser Matrices". They made me grow a lot in my clinic. They are fantastic."

Dr Jiri Proch, PhD, Tulln/Austria
"Walser Matrices are the second greatest achievement after the invention of the wheel. As the chief purchaser of the Lower Austrian Regional Health Insurance I've searched really long, but there is nothing that comes close to it on the whole market: Ideal points of contact, very good anatomy and sensational quickness. A very important point especially in children. I recommend Walser Matrices to all physicians who settle down with a private clinic, too."

Prof Dr Unmesh Khanvilkar University Navi Mumbai/India
"It's a amazing Walser system, not only me but my students love it and patients like it. After using this I really feel my investment in this system was really worth. All my cases got a perfect contact restorations and I am able to finish cases in half of time compare to other matrix systems."

Dr Richard R. Pence, Denver/USA
"Walser Matrices are a wonderful, time-saving invention for me! I have been using the "X-shape" Walser Matrix for years, after seeing it at a dental meeting. It saves so much time when restoring adjacent composite restorations. I did not realize that the other shapes were available for MOD and last tooth fillings, so I have just ordered a kit to use more of these clever matrices. This system should be taught in Dental Schools!"

Dr A. Voicu David u. Dr. Svetlana David, Arad/Romania
"Me and my wife, who is a dentist too, have been working with pleasure with the Walser Matrices since 1984, when we finished the Faculty of Dentistry at the Medicine Institute of Timisoara, Romania. Since 1992 we use the Walser Matrix System in our private dental offices with great success. We and not to mention more than 7.500 patients are very satisfied and happy with Walser Matrices, for the excellent design, the good marginal seal, the large variety of shapes, the easy-to-use and the rapidity of handling. In the last 10 years we have many young students at dental faculties and young dentists for professional training in our dental offices. We show to all of them the extraordinary and top-level use of Walser Matrices, recommending to buy and to start working with this system..."

Dr Esperanza Mieko Yumibe, Mexico City/Mexico
"I appreciate Walser Matrices and recommend this fabulous system to all my colleagues. Here at my clinic in Mexico City patients appreciate the saved time and money, but more importantly, that nothing needs to be sent to the dental laboratory, like inlays. With this technique I can handle several teeth during one treatment."

Dr Ursut Horia, Brasov/Rumänien
"When I was student I wanted to find a simple and efficient matrix system. I tried Dr. Walser Dental Matrices and since then I use them in my daily practice. They are easy to handle and adapt very well on tooth anatomy. There are some clinical cases that need an anatomical wedge to fit properly. The contact point is controlled perfectly, but there are also clinical cases that need a stronger contact point. I am very satisfied with them and I recommend this system to my colleagues. Keep up the good work!"

You find more "testimonials of enthusiasm" here

Time is money. Particularly in dental clinics things have to run fast since a huge amount of fillings has to be done.

Furthermore expenses play an important role. You do not only save time, Walser® tooth matrices are reusable and sterilisable. Since they are applied quickly with one hand movement, they are perfectly suitable for all filling materials, most notably composite fillings.

Whether for adults or for children, Walser® tooth matrices are very popular among the users worldwide.

During their entire lifetime they never loose their constantly high spring force. The user can work with one set for about 2 years until all matrices are consumed. This saves a lot of money and the environment will thank you, too!

Here you find the listing of the many advantages with detailed information.

Enthusiastic dentists in 129 countries daily work with Walser® tooth matrices. Read testimonials of enthusiasm from users all over the world here.

Order tooth matrices by clicking on the order button