Use the Walser® tooth matrix in just a few seconds
Clip O-shape sectional matrix about 9 seconds (glides easily through the approximal contact, simultaneously results in a shape of the filling)
Clip X-shape sectional matrix about 9 seconds (Ideal at two-surface fillings where an interdental space is available. With children two fillings are placed very fast in one appointment here)
Clip ON-shape sectional matrix about 9 seconds (Adapts disto cervically automatically and holds over the cofferdam clamp)
Clip XF-shape sectional matrix about 9 seconds (For front tooth fillings. Filling the cavity with surplus. Putting in and then letting off the tensed dental matrix. Two neighbouring fillings are easily placed with an X-shape front matrix)
User movie Sectional Matrices about 4 minutes (Showsin a dental practice on twopatientshow easilyWalserDental Matricesare usedwith one handmovement)
Filmde l'utilisateur Matrices Sectionnelles environ 4 minutes (Montre àun cabinet dentairesurdeuxpatientsavec quelle facilitéWalser Matrices pour Dent sont utilisésavecunmouvement de la main)
Película usuario Matrices Seccionales alrededor de 4 minutos (Muestraenuna clínica dentalendos pacientescon qué facilidadse utilizanWalser Matrices del Diente con un movimientode mano)
Pellicola utenti Matrici Sezionali circa 4 minuti (Mostra inuno studio dentisticosu duepazienticon quanta facilitàWalser Matrici Dentalesono usati conunmovimento della mano)