Use the Walser® tooth matrix in just a few seconds

User film dental matrices, awarded with "Best of 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 ..."
about 7 minutes (glides easily through the proximal contact and at the same time gives the filling a beautiful shape)

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Clip O-shape sectional matrix  about 9 seconds
(glides easily through the proximal contact and at the same time gives the filling a beautiful shape)

Order tooth matrices by clicking on the order button

Clip X-shape sectional matrix  about 9 seconds
(Ideal at two-surface fillings where an interdental space is available. With children two fillings are placed very fast in one appointment here)

Order tooth matrices by clicking on the order button

Clip ON-shape sectional matrix  about 9 seconds
(Adapts disto cervically automatically and holds over the cofferdam clamp)

Order tooth matrices by clicking on the order button

Clip XF-shape sectional matrix  about 9 seconds
(For front tooth fillings. Filling the cavity with surplus. Putting in and then letting off the tensed dental matrix. Two neighbouring fillings are easily placed with an X-shape front matrix)

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User movie Sectional Matrices  about 4 minutes
in a dental practice on two patients how easily Walser Dental Matrices are used with one hand movement)

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Film de l'utilisateur Matrices Sectionnelles  environ 4 minutes
à un cabinet dentaire sur deux patients avec quelle facilité Walser Matrices pour Dent sont utilisés avec un mouvement de la main)

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Película usuario Matrices Seccionales  alrededor de 4 minutos
(Muestra en una clínica dental en dos pacientes con qué facilidad se utilizan Walser Matrices del Diente con un movimiento de mano)

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Pellicola utenti Matrici Sezionali  circa 4 minuti
(Mostra in uno studio dentistico su due pazienti con quanta facilità Walser Matrici Dentale sono usati con un movimento della mano)

Order tooth matrices by clicking on the order button

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