Reasons why you should work like our clients worldwide with Walser® tooth matrices

Numerous patents have been registered since the foundation of the company.

Developments for dentists by dentists include a sophisticated system of tooth filling matrices, the so-called Walser® matrices with forceps. This perfect modern system is the outcome of exhaustive scientific and practical experience and the continued development of a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Here you find the listing of the many advantages with detailed

Enthusiastic dentists in 129 countries daily work with our Walser® tooth matrices. Walser matrices never loose their constantly high spring force! The outstanding quality of Walser matrices is also evidenced by the fact, that the complaints rate is virtually zero.

Read testimonials of enthusiasm, written by users from all over the world here

The largest part of our products we develop and produce in Radolfzell, Germany. Many parts are manufactured with great effort by hand since the company was founded. It is very important for us to hold and to safe jobs in Germany.


In Handarbeit werden mit diesem Werkzeug Teile der Zahn-Matrizen hergestellt

Highest quality thanks to handmade products, manufactured in Germany in our factory in Radolfzell

All our Walser® tooth matrices are handmade. Only experienced staff with a lot of dexterity is able to manufacture these effortfully produced tooth matrices.

Die Deutsche Flagge in schwarz, rot, gold


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